Life-cycle assessment of wood

Capitalising on Switzerland’s forests

Wood has a largely positive environmental impact and should be exploited to a greater extent, both as fuel and material, according to a study conducted by Stefanie Hellweg, a professor at the Institute of Environmental Engineering at ETH Zurich. This broad-based analysis of the environmental impact of Switzerland’s forests examines the entire value chain, from felling trees through to recycling and burning wood. “The forests should be exploited more,” stresses Stefanie Hellweg. “Timber stocks are increasing and their benefit to the climate is not being maximised. Wood is one of the very rare renewable materials.” The study was carried out under the National Research Programme “Resource Wood” (NRP 66), which is establishing basic scientific knowledge and practical methods for increasing the availability of wood as a resource and expanding its use.

“The forests should be exploited more”

Stefanie Hellweg, ETH Zurich