Panels of the SNSF

Over 1,200 members

The approximately 100-strong National Research Council carries out its evaluation work supported by around 90 further evaluation bodies consisting of a total of over 1,200 members. 29% thereof are women, and 30% are from institutions abroad.

The three project funding divisions of the SNSF comprise nine review panels for the evaluation of applications in specific research areas. For instance, there is a panel for arts, art studies, design and architecture in the Humanities and Social Sciences division, and one for longitudinal studies in clinical research in the Biology and Medicine division.

Applications in the various schemes of the Careers division are evaluated by more than 34 evaluation commissions, including the Research Commissions of the higher education institutions.

In the Programmes division, the NRP steering committees function as panels for evaluating project proposals for NRPs, along with any experts invited to sit on the panels on an ad hoc basis. For the NCCRs, the division also appoints international panels for selection and scientific supervision. Panels are formed in numerous other areas as well, such as international cooperation (SCOPES, r4d, etc.) or science communication (Agora).